How to Overcome Emotional Pregnant Women
Since the first time knowing that she is pregnant, pregnant women are generally filled with various types of emotions. Ranging from joy to worry. A number of changes that occur in the body during pregnancy are suspected as factors that cause emotional pregnant women.
Emotional changes in unstable pregnant women generally appear in the first 6-10 weeks of pregnancy. Then, this condition will improve towards the second trimester and reappear at the time of delivery.
Triggered by Hormone Increase
Factors causing emotional changes experienced by pregnant women can vary, one of which is due to increased levels of the hormone’s progesterone and estrogen. This can affect the chemical conditions in the part of the brain that regulates mood or mood.
In addition, unstable emotional conditions in pregnant women can also be caused by changes in metabolism, stress, fatigue, or other conditions experienced by the body during pregnancy. It must be admitted, although pregnancy is encouraging news, the various conditions experienced by pregnant women such as nausea and vomiting are certainly not light.
This can also make it easy for pregnant women to worry about the health conditions of their babies and themselves. There are also pregnant women who feel afraid of being called a bad mother-to-be if they express negative emotions.
However, these emotional changes in pregnant women may be a natural way to prepare for emotions before and after the baby is born.
Tips for Calming Pregnant Women
No need to panic to face the emotional condition of pregnant women. There are several ways that can help relieve the condition, including:
1. Talking about feelings
Experiencing emotional turmoil that quickly changes, is normal for pregnant women. Pregnant women need to talk about their feelings with other people. In addition to your partner, communicate your feelings with a trusted family member or friend for emotional support.
2. Get plenty of rest and sleep
If pregnant women feel tired during the day, try to take a break. Get enough sleep at least 8 hours every night. Physical conditions that are tired due to lack of sleep, often trigger a bad mood.
3. Doing hobbies or fun things
Pregnancy is indeed exciting news, but also thrilling. Once in a while, pregnant women can divert attention by doing hobbies or things they like. For example, sitting in the park reading a book about pregnancy and childbirth preparation, or having lunch with friends. In addition, there is also a special spa for pregnant women that can make the body more relaxed.
4. Doing physical activity or light exercise
Pregnant women should be active with caution, although that does not mean continuing to be lazy. Doing light exercise or physical activity is actually good for the body, as well as can improve mood. Pregnant women can choose activities such as walking around the house, swimming, meditation or yoga according to their abilities.
5. Have Pets
If the pregnant woman’s family has a pet, that’s a good thing. The stress hormone called cortisol can be suppressed by the hormone oxytocin which the body produces when playing with a favorite pet. When a person strokes his pet, he not only soothes the animal but himself as well. Officials at Fast ESA letter said that, The pet directly provides Emotional support for the owner.
Sandra Barker, director of the Center for Human-Animal Interaction at Virginia Commonwealth University, said interacting with dogs, for example after experiencing an unpleasant event, can reduce the effects of stress.
6. Spending time with your partner
Not only pregnant women who feel anxious about pregnancy, fathers-to-be also often feel the same way. For that, spend time together to get closer to feelings, while reducing the tension experienced. If necessary, go on vacation together or babymoon. Form a strong relationship between the couple, because this will be needed after the baby is born.
Rapid emotional changes in pregnant women are considered normal, but we need to be careful if it leads to depression. This condition can be characterized by anxiety, sleep disturbances, changes in eating patterns, difficulty concentrating, or forgetfulness. If this happens, consult a gynecologist or psychologist to get the right treatment.